It’s going to get real hot in the coming days and here is some information on how you can protect yourself and your pets from the heat:

To protect people against heat-related illness:

  • Drink plenty of water, even if you do not feel thirsty; avoid drinks that contain alcohol or caffeine. Also, avoid very cold drinks because they can cause stomach cramps
  • Avoid strenuous work or exercise outside during the hottest part of the day. If that is not practical, take frequent breaks and remember to drink plenty of water.
  • Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing.
  • Protect yourself from the sun with a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses and by putting on sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher (the most effective products say “broad spectrum” or “UVA/UVB protection” on their labels).
  • Never leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle
  • Check on friends and neighbors—Especially older adults and individuals with a disability or chronic health conditions, as heat is more likely to affect their health. If you find an emergency situation – call 911. In a non-emergency situation, if a senior or disabled adult is suspected of being in need of assistance due to warm weather, make a call. Make a difference. Call the toll-free Missouri Adult Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-800-392-0210
  • Know the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness—What to do matters, depending on type of illness occurring. Signs of heat exhaustion may include heavy sweating; cold, pale and clammy skin; dizziness; headache; muscle cramps; tiredness or weakness; nausea or vomiting; or fainting (passing out). If you think you or others are experiencing heat exhaustion, you should stop physical activity and move to a cool place that is preferably air-conditioned, loosen clothing, and sip cool water.
  • Seek medical attention immediately if you or others are throwing up, your symptoms get worse or symptoms last longer than one hour. Heat stroke is life-threatening and occurs when the body is unable to control its temperature or cool down. Signs of heat stroke may include extremely high body temperature (103°F or higher); hot, red, dry skin with no sweat; fast, strong pulse; throbbing headache; dizziness; nausea; confusion; or loss of consciousness (passing out). You should call 911 right away, as heat stroke is a medical emergency. Then, if you are able, move to a cool place that is preferably air-conditioned. Help lower the person’s body temperature with cool clothes or a cool bath until medical personnel arrive. Do not give the person anything to drink.

Pet owners should also follow these tips to keep animals safe in the heat:

  • Do not leave a pet unattended in a hot car.
  • Always make sure pets have access to cool, clean, fresh water as well as adequate food and shelter.
  • Walk your dog in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler. If you must walk mid-day, shorten the distance. And keep your dog in the grass as much as possible, as hot sidewalks can burn the pads of their feet.
  • Do not leave a dog outdoors unattended on a chain or tether. Long-term chaining during the summer can result in countless insect bites, dehydration, and heat stroke.
  • If you see a child, pet, or unresponsive adult in a closed, parked vehicle, immediately call 911. For more information on staying safe in the heat, visit


If you are out and about in town and you need a place to cool down for a bit, or perhaps you know someone who needs some relief from the heat, here’s a list of cooling centers in Springfield:

Cooling Centers

  • Ash Grove Branch Library, 101 E. Main St., Ash Grove
  • Fair Grove Branch Library, 81 S. Orchard Blvd., Fair Grove
  • Library Station, 2535 N. Kansas Expressway, Springfield
  • Park Central Branch Library, 128 Park Central Square, Springfield
  • Republic Branch Library, 921 N. Lindsey Ave., Republic
  • Schweitzer Brentwood Branch Library, 2214 S. Brentwood Blvd., Springfield
  • Strafford Branch Library, 101 MO-125, Strafford
  • Willard Branch Library, 304 E. Jackson St., Willard
  • Rare Breed Youth Services, 301 N. Main Ave., Springfield
  • Library Center, 4653 S. Campbell Ave., Springfield.

Additionally, the following locations are open and available as emergency cooling centers during heat advisories:

  • Ash Grove Sunshine Center, 310 N. Perryman Ave., Ash Grove
  • Chesterfield Family Center, 2511 W. Republic Road, Springfield
  • Dan Kinney Family Center, 2701 S. Blackman Road, Springfield
  • Doling Family Center, 301 E. Talmage St., Springfield
  • Fair Grove Senior Center, 122 S. Orchard Blvd., Fair Grove
  • Republic Senior Friendship Center, 210 E. Hines St., Republic
  • Salvation Army Springfield, 1701 W. Chestnut Expressway, Springfield
  • South Side Senior Center, 2215 S. Fremont Ave., Springfield
  • Strafford Senior Center, 201 W. Bumgarner Blvd., Strafford.

Click the link below for a map of cooling centers in Missouri:
Before you go to the cooling center, verify the open times on the website, whether it’s ADA accessible, and whether it offers transportation to and from the facility.